The Power Systems Computation Conference addresses theoretical developments and computational aspects with respect to power systems applications. There is an emphasis on modelling and simulation for understanding a system of components, plants or actors, the interactions between them and their collective behaviour, and methods to inform decision-making in power systems.
Contributions might comment on the analytical techniques, modelling challenges and complex software engineering issues, or what the analyses say in respect of today’s and future power systems challenges. Thus, papers from utility and manufacturing industry engineers are just as welcome as those from academic researchers.
The following list of topics is not exhaustive but is offered to help prospective authors identify what is likely to be in scope.
- Assessment of system issues in the presence of uncertainty or unbundling
- Power system modeling, analysis, operation and control
- Integrated modelling and operation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in power systems
- Data analysis and computation
Four types of papers are sought:
Type 1: New approaches and techniques for modelling, analysis, or control of power systems or their components.
Type 2: Improvements in methodologies or modelling currently applied in the power system domain.
Type 3: Case studies and experience with implementations of new methodologies.
Type 4: Case studies and experience in application of computational methods to modern power systems challenges.
To submit your contributions please follow the instruction on the dedicated Submission Management System
June 30st, 2023: Deadline for submission of one-page abstracts.
October 1st, 2023: Deadline for full paper submission.
February 1st, 2024: Authors notified about acceptance and required modifications.
March 15th, 2024: Final manuscript submission.
June 4 – 7, 2024: PSCC 2024, Paris, France.
Only electronically submitted abstracts and papers are considered. The format of the one-page abstract can be freely chosen by the authors. Templates for the full paper are available on the submission site.
In order to be published in the final conference proceedings, all accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the named authors. English will be used for all printed material, as well as for the technical presentations and discussions.
All accepted and presented papers will be posted publicly on the PSCC website and included in a special issue of the journal Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR) indexed by ScienceDirect. Accordingly, all authors must agree to the EPSR copyright policies available at this URL:
One of the features of PSCC is its rigorous but fair review procedure. We believe this enhances the value of PSCC by ensuring a high standard of papers and the associated discussion in every session. Attendees can therefore be confident that their investment in attending will be well worthwhile.
If your abstract was accepted, you can go ahead and upload the full paper via the EPSR submission system. Please note that you will need the ID from your abstract submission which is also stated in your abstract acceptance email. The following instructions are meant to support you in the submission process: download here.